Keeping Our Communities Safe

Everyone deserves to feel safe in their neighborhood, at the grocery store, or the movie theater – no matter where they live. House Democrats are actively working to ensure our communities are safe by increasing access to mental health services, investing in community policing, and cracking down on illegal gun sales.

Talking Points:

Copy and paste the text below to use in your social media post, or use it as a starting point when talking to your family.

Democrats passed and President Biden signed the bill to provide nationwide investments in mental health services, allowing schools to hire more social workers, counselors, and nurses to help students struggling with their mental health.

Democrats passed and President Biden signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, common-sense legislation to make communities and schools safer from gun violence and expand mental health services.

House Republicans voted against providing $350 billion in additional funding for state and local governments, much of which went to law enforcement, when they voted against the 2021 American Rescue Plan.

House Republicans have called to defund federal law enforcement and have refused to support officers who were injured in the January 6 attack on the Capitol.